How Much Do Airsoft Players Make

How Much Do Airsoft Players Make

How Much Do Pro Airsoft Players MakeOnce you become skilful enough in airsoft boxing simulations, it'southward pretty natural to call back of turning pro and becoming a rich sports star. But how much do pro airsoft players make?

Maybe yous're thinking about being a millionaire. Plenty of professional person athletes make millions of dollars, through salaries, winnings, and fifty-fifty endorsements.

Fifty-fifty sports like chess, bowling, tabular array lawn tennis, and darts have pro leagues.

So why non airsoft?

The Existent Truth

The fact of the matter is that at that place's virtually no money to exist fabricated in airsoft as a professional player.

It's true that there are lots of teams in the earth, especially in the U.s.a.. Squad members are chosen afterwards demonstrating their airsoft prowess, and they tin train a lot for local tournaments.

There are national and even international tournaments for airsoft teams. These teams are frequently sponsored by airsoft companies, stores, or local businesses.

Still, the prizes for these events tin can become for $20,000. That's non really a lot, since many teams have 10 members or more.

All in all, you can't match Michael Jordan or Lebron James, who tin can make up to a billion dollars in their lifetime.

If you're extremely lucky (as in "striking the lotto jackpot" lucky), you can maybe end up a few thousand dollars richer.

How to Brand Money in Airsoft

Silhouette of soldier team in sunset sky. soldier with machine gun patrollingInformation technology'south not all bad news, however. Some people tin can really make a decent living from airsoft, or possibly brand enough money to help some of the expenses.

Ownership and Selling

This is perhaps the first step most people have when trying to recover some of their airsoft expenses. One time you're washed with a piece of airsoft equipment like a rifle or a pistol, you tin can sell it through Facebook and other online platforms.

You tin also sell the stuff to diverse newbies in your neighborhood who wants to get into the fun of airsoft.

General Airsoft Employee

If you're a regular patron who plays in a particular airsoft club a lot of the time, you may desire to apply for a position there. Quite a few airsoft players do this, as they can and so assistance out the newbies on what to do.

In return, peradventure they can play for gratis and get discounts when buying equipment from the airsoft order. There's the pay as well, though this may well be a part-fourth dimension task only.


Using soldering iron to fix a connector You can offer your ain professional services as an airsoft technician, once yous're known in the local airsoft community. If you're good plenty to think that you lot can play competitively, then peradventure you as well have the necessary skills to be an airsoft technician.

Your services may include repairing airsoft equipment, or helping out with upgrades. Your noesis when it comes to upgrading can be particularly useful, every bit y'all tin give your customers a truly terrific airsoft weapon that's much better than most stock airsoft guns.

You tin offering to build an airsoft weapon for your client within a specified budget, and that budget tin can include your professional fee.


Now for the really big bucks, you tin open up your own airsoft retail shop. Within, you can even offering repair and customization services. Promoting your store also means promoting the sport in your neighborhood. Every bit more people in boondocks gain interest in airsoft, the more than potential customers y'all accept.

Airsoft Club

Yous tin can have your own retail store and run your ain airsoft club as well. Lots of successful airsoft clubs make money off admissions, along with rental or sales of airsoft equipment.

The well-nigh famous airsoft clubs offering military simulator operations, imagining scenarios that pit NATO forces confronting Russian soldiers, or even terrorists. Some of these "milsim" events cost $200 a ticket, and hundreds of players join in.

Other airsoft clubs offer training facilities for law enforcement, military personnel, and even civilians licensed to carry firearms. Information technology's much cheaper to train with airsoft equipment. One bare M16 circular costs the same every bit 32 airsoft rounds, according to one military machine practiced.


Correct now, yous can't really brand a profit from airsoft, even if y'all're the best of the baddest players in the earth. You tin can make a few thousand bucks for yourself, and that's just if you lot're really lucky.

But then once again, y'all tin console yourself that with all the coin you're spending, you're having lots of fun. That's always coin well-spent.

How Much Do Airsoft Players Make

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